Point Ready Mix provides a number of different types of fibers for concrete. They can reduce plastic shrinkage cracking, help control drying shrinkage and improve the durability of the concrete. They can also be used to replace welded wire fabric (WWF) and, in some cases, smaller rebar. All of our fibers comply with ASTM C1116 Standard Specification for Fiber Reinforced Concrete and Shotcrete.
Types of Fibers
We stock three different types of synthetic fiber products at our plants. Synthetic fibers are broadly categorized into two types – Micro-Synthetic Fibers or Macro-Synthetic Fibers. Two of our fibers fall within the micro-synthetic fiber category and one is a macro-fiber.

Monofilament Polypropylene Fibers – these fibers are generally dosed at 1.0 lb/yd3. They are ¾” in length. Monofilament fibers have been shown to greatly reduce plastic shrinkage cracking when compared to concrete without fibers. They also reduce segregation and bleed water. Typical applications include driveways, sidewalks, curbs, parking lots, slabs, footings and walls.

Fibrillated Polypropylene Fibers – a step up from monofilament fibers, fibrillated fibers are generally dosed at 1.5 lb/yd3. They are ¾” in length. Fibrillated fibers have been shown to greatly reduce plastic shrinkage cracking when compared to concrete without fibers and reduce segregation and bleed water. They provide some post-crack residual strength to the concrete and have been used successfully in non-structural temperature/shrinkage crack control in lieu of 6×6 10/10 welded wire fabric. Typical applications include driveways, sidewalks, curbs, parking lots, slabs, footings and walls.

Macro Polypropylene Fibers – mostly used in commercial applications, these fibers are generally dosed at 3.0 – 9.0 lb/yd3. They are 2” in length and have been used to replace welded wire fabric and steel reinforcing bars. They provide the same tensile and bending resistance as conventional reinforcing, with post-crack residual strength increasing as the dosage rate increases. Macro fibers reduce plastic shrinkage cracking and improve flexural toughness. They can be used to extend joint spacing, reducing required control joints. Applications include slabs-on-ground, sidewalks, parking lots, bridge decks, warehouses, composite metal decks and ICF walls.
When required, we will also bring in steel fibers. Steel fibers can be used to replace welded wire fabric and a wide-range of steel reinforcing bars.
Please contact Point Ready Mix if you have any questions on fibers for concrete or need additional information.